Monday, January 29, 2007

YouTube / video documentation: suggestion from Ernie Roberson

Ernie Roberson, Caddo Registrar of Voters as well as participant in the Krewe of Highland parade, writes to Blanc et Noir: "1. Any plans to video the Marching Society for use on There is a youtube of last year's Highland Parade andit is pretty interesting. I think the debut of the Blanc et Noir needs preservation.

2. I put in a plug for Highland Parade and the marching society's debut on my blog on ebay. Search under my seller name, vuky14 and then, My World, is home to the blog. Look under 5000 and 100%. It is utterly amazing to me how many people read blogs and comment. I read yours daily.

Why do I think youtube is a good idea for Blanc et Noir? I will be lining up near Byrd when the society starts its second line. I will NOT get to see it unless you youtube it!

Krewe of LSU truck- the nomads of North Louisiana Mardi Gras season- we'll tempt you with hot dogs and Moon pies before the parade if you guys wander that way. Look for the tigger on top of the truck."

Ernie Roberson