Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ready to roll on Sunday, Feb 19: Blanc et Noir Marching Society, fresh from the Costume Workshop at Artspace Shreveport

Zapp's chips, pasta salad and baked chicken, juice and kids, glue guns and staplers were the story at Artspace Shreveport as Tarama and Jerry Davenport hosted the 6th annual costume workshop.

Along with beautiful umbrellas and spangled jackets came the community cash. Contributing their dues to the fund used to pay the Red & Black Brass Band
- Tarama and Jerry Davenport
- Stuart & Elise Orchard
- Lee Spruell
- Carl Anderson, King for 2012
- Blair Thrall
- Wesley Parker
- Rachel Stuart-Haas
- Carlos Benito
- Tina Montez
- Susan Standke
- Stephanie Pedro
- Ivy Elise Johnson, Queen, 2012
And in the mail today were checks from
- Deshea Guzman
- Alix Davidson

Merci beaucoup! A few more contributions will be needed to meet the basic fees of $550 to the Krewe of Highland and $650 to the Red & Black Brass Band. Several people will pay their dues at the parade so we will surely end up even for the year.

See more snaps from the workshop at